Help us, today! Spread the word!

If you have liked what you have seen so far on our website and want to help us out this is a great place to start. The most important thing to do right now is to spread the word and get the information on this website to as many people as possible. You may have found us through a friend, on social media, or you may have seen one of our QR code stickers. Our stickers are one of the major ways we try to engage people. You can help us out by clicking the link below to order stickers. Put them up around town. Take a photo. Post it and tag us at #makehistoryvote. The stickers are two dollars for five on Etsy, because we need to cover shipping costs. However if you can't afford that let us know. The best thing you can do is to be active in your community about the importance of voting. The future of America is on the ballot this year. It’s up to us what the future looks like.

Link to buy the sticker

Click to follow us on instagram @make_history_vote