Your Vote Counts

One vote might not seem like much, but remember an ocean is only made of many drops of water, a beach is made of individual grains of sand, and even the tallest skyscrapers are made of single bricks. We are the water, the sand, the bricks. Together we make will make the history of our nation.

Why do we vote?

Your individual vote matters because it is the only thing in politics you can control. When you vote, you vote for more than any individual candidate, you vote for your ideas and beliefs. When you vote you are telling politicians that your beliefs matter. Politics can sometimes feel out of our control, but the one thing you have complete control over is what you do with your vote. It is imperative that you use it.

I have heard many people say individual votes don't matter, but this and not be further from the truth. In many elections the votes came incredibly close. Here are juat a few examples:

Hand placing paper in a ballot box

In 1984, a Indiana House of Representatives seat was decided by just 4 votes.

Megaphone projecting the words your vote matters

In 1910, a New York House of Representatives seat was decided by only 1 vote.

Hands holding a smart phone clicking a button that says vote with a ballot box above the button

The 2000 presidential election was ultimately decided by just 537 votes in Florida.